
 Basic information
Release type: Point Patch
Release date: 2004-04-04
OS update support: None
Technote: 267842(techfile)
Documentation: None
Popularity: 460 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 5.22 MB
Checksum: 3985844663

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
Storage Foundation for Oracle 3.5 Update2 On HP-UX 11i v1 (11.11)

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:
104728, 140369, 140370, 141165

 Patch ID:

Readme file

The following are the required patches for DBED/HA 3.5 on HP-UX:

	PVKL_03624 (VRTSodm)
	UNOF_29897 (VRTSvxfs)
	UNOF_IR144097 (VRTSvxfs)

These patches are required and mandatory to use ODM with VERITAS 
Database Edition 3.5 for Oracle on HP-UX.  These patches also contain 
fixes for individual product defects, details of which can be obtained from 
the individual patch README files.

The installation instructions below supercede the installation instructions
in the individual patch README files. Please follow the instructions
below to install all the patches together.

The patch installation should be done on each node of DBED/HA configuration.

NOTE: 1. PHKL_23337 is a pre-requisite system patch and must be installed
         on your system prior to installing this patch.
      2. This patch can be applied for DBED/HA environment although
         README_PVKL_03624 refers to DBED/AC and DBED/RAC.

Description of Patches

1. PVKL_03624 (VRTSodm)

	Oracle instances can fail with errno EBADF,
	seen as [Bad file number], when using ODM.

	Problem description
	Oracle instances can incorrectly fail with errno EBADF
	when using ODM, various ORA-00600 oracle messages might
	be seen in oracle *.trc files

	For example:

	ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksfd_odmio1],
	[0x8<snip>], [0x8<snip>], [1], [Bad file number], [], [], []

	This symptom is commonly preceded by logging off the
	system console.

	ODM was allocating a pseudo block device but was able to
	allocate the same device number as the console's character
	device. When logging off the console a hangup operation is
	performed for both its character and block device forcing
	further ODM operations on its pseudo block device to fail
	with EBADF.

	ODM now allocates a unique pseudo block device number.

   	PVKL_03609 (VRTSodm 3.5-ga16 ODM 3.5 Update 2 Patch).
   	PVKL_03616 (VRTSodm 3.5-ga16 ODM 3.5 Update 2 Patch 02).

        Incidents Fixed
        i141165, i104728

2. UNOF_IR144097 & UNOF_29897 (VRTSvxfs)

        Oracle reports various errors files are corrupted or older version
        of blocks read. The files include controfiles and datafiles.

        For example:

        ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kcrfnl_3], [1], [10], [9], 
                   [], []

        Oracle sometimes does not use ODM api to accesss files even if ODM
        is enabled for the ORACLE instance. In Oracle9i utilities like 
        export, import and dbverify use posix api to read/write files.
        This mixed ODM and non-ODM access of same files will result into 
        data corruption.

        VxFS now maintains cache coherency between ODM and non-ODM access.

3. PVKL_03614 (VRTSllt)

        140369: Improve performance on HPUX by using sleep_one
        and wakeup_one to wakeup an individual thread

        140370: Improve LLT lock contention.


Installation Instructions:

	Please review all instructions and the VERITAS support terms
	and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions,
	and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing 
	this patch.


NOTE: The patch needs to be installed on each machine involved in DBED/HA 

	1. Back up your systems before installing the patches.

        2. Follow the instructions to install PVKL_03614 in VCS cluster.
           The instructions are in dbed_ha_cumulative/docs/README_PVKL_03614

	3. Shutdown ORACLE Database if running.

	4. Login as root.

           4a. Make sure PHKL_23337 is installed on your system
	       #swlist -l patch | grep PHKL_23337

           4b. Unmount all VxFS filesystems
               Unmount /dev/odm

	5. Change directory to dbed_cumulative. Next, cd to to the patches 
           directory. The patches directory should contain 'catalog' directory.
           Run the following swinstall commands to install the patches.

		    NOTE: This next command will REBOOT the machine when
			  all the patches are successfully installed.

		# swinstall -x mount_all_filesystems=false	
			    -x autoreboot=true -s `pwd` 	
			       PVKL_03624 UNOF_29897 UNOF_IR144097

	6. After the machines reboot, please run the following checks:

		# swverify PVKL_03624 UNOF_29897 UNOF_IR144097

Uninstallation Instructions:

       1. List the patch and make sure they are installed.

		# swlist | grep PVKL_03614
		# swlist | grep PVKL_03624
                # swlist | grep UNOF_29897
                # swlist | grep UNOF_IR144097

       2. Remove PVKL_03614 using instructions in docs/README_PVKL_03614

       3. If you need to remove one of other listed patch, 
          issue the following command:

		# swremove -x mount_all_filesystems=false       
			-x autoreboot=true                      
			 PVKL_03624 UNOF_29897 UNOF_IR144097

	All other steps from the "Installation Instructions" section must
	be followed. If the system does not reboot automatically, reboot 
	it using the following command:

		# cd /; shutdown -ry 0