Providing inputs for partially discovered applications

When hosts are added to and discovered by the Infrastructure Management Server (IMS), applications residing on those hosts are displayed on the Resiliency Platform web console. But certain application instances are not completely discovered until you provide additional information such as application database file path, or user name and password.

Using the Resiliency Platform console, you can provide inputs to such partially discovered applications to enable complete discovery. Complete discovery of applications is essential to group them into a resiliency group and thereby perform the disaster recovery operations.

For partially discovered applications, a Pending Inputs warning is displayed on the Unmanaged tab, in the Discovery Status column.

After an application is completely discovered and if any of the previous provided inputs have changed, the Pending Inputs warning is displayed again on the Unmanaged tab.

To provide inputs for partially discovered applications

  1. Navigate

    Assets > Unmanaged tab.

  2. Use one or more of the following drop-downs to filter your list of applications:

    Asset Type

    Select application.

    Data Center

    Select the data center in which the application is located.

    Application Type

    Select the application type.

  3. Right-click the partially discovered application and select Enter Inputs.
  4. In the Enter Inputs panel, enter the required information, and click Submit.

More Information

Managing and monitoring applications