List of ports

This section lists the default ports used by various Data Insight services, and devices that Data Insight communicates with.

See Configuring your corporate firewall.

Table: List of default ports


Default Port

Management Server

Management Console, HTTPS port 443

Communication service, HTTPS port 8383

DataInsightConfig service, port 8282

Workflow Service HTTPS, port 8686

Standard RPC ports 139 and 445

Collector worker node\ Indexer plus Collector worker node

Communication service, HTTPS port 8383

Standard RPC ports 139 and 445

DataInsightConfig service, port 8282

NetApp Cluster-Mode service, TCP port 8787 (configurable)

Generic Collector service, HTTPS port 8585 (configurable)

Indexer worker node

Communication service, HTTPS port 8383

DataInsightConfig service, port 8282

File Server

For Net App filers - HTTP port 80 (optional), standard RPC ports 139 and 445, and 2049 (TCP,UDP) and 111 (TCP,UDP) for NFS

For NetApp Cluster-Mode, HTTP port 80

On EMC Control Station - HTTP port 80 and HTTPS port 443

On Windows File Servers managed without an agent - Standard RPC ports 139 and 445

For Veritas File System servers - HTTPS port 5634, and 2049 (TCP,UDP) and 111 (TCP,UDP) for NFS

Windows File Server agent node

Communication Service, HTTPS port 8383

DataInsightConfig service, port 8282

Standard RPC ports 139 and 445

SharePoint Web Service

SharePoint Web Service is accessed over the same port as the configured Web Applications. This port on the SharePoint Web Servers should be accessible from the Collector node.

LDAP Directory Server

Port 389 or 636 (for TLS)

NIS Server

Ports 111 (TCP,UDP), 714 (TCP), 711 (UDP)

NIS+ Server in NIS compatibility mode

Ports 111 (TCP,UDP), 714 (TCP), 711 (UDP)

Symantec Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

HTTPS port 443

Symantec Enterprise Vault Server

HTTP port 80 or as configured by Enterprise Vault Server web service.

Self-Service Portal server

Portal Service, HTTPS port 443

Workflow Service, HTTPS port 8686

DataInsightConfig, service port 8282

Communication service, HTTPS port 8383


The default ports for Data Insight components are configurable at the time of installation.