About stale information in reports

When a report is run, Data Insight indicates in the report output those paths for which the audit or metadata information is likely to be stale. Data Insight tracks the time of the last metadata scan/audit that was processed by the Indexer. If the last metadata scan for a path processed by the Indexer is older than 7 days, or the last audit processed is older than 5 days, the report output warns the user about the potentially stale information in the output.

If metadata has not been recently updated, it could mean that the information about paths (lsuch as size, permissions) in the report output might not be up-to-date or missing all- together. Similarly, if audit events have not been processed for some time, it could mean that the audit details in the report output or the ownership calculations that depend on audit activity of users may not be accurate.

You can disable stale information warnings if required by setting the following global property:

matrix.reports.stale.index.warning.enabled Value: true/false

Similarly, you can configure the allowable limit of stale data in the report output by setting the following global property:

matrix.reports.stale.index.warning.days.scan Value: Grace period in days

To set the global property