Using the Self-Service Portal to review user entitlements

You can use the Self-Service Portal to review user access permissions to the paths that are assigned to you. On the Entitlement Review page of the portal, you can perform the following tasks:

To review user entitlements

  1. Use the Resources drop-down to select the path for which you want to review the user permissions. From the drop-down list click the path for which you want to review user entitlements. All the review requests for the selected path are displayed on the panel.
  2. Use the Users by activity filter to sort the users based on their activity profiles.

    You can further filter the users by selecting the group they belong to or by using their directory service attribute.

  3. Do any of the following:
    • To review the permissions of individual users, click Yes to grant access to the path, and click No to revoke the user's access on the path

    • To review the permissions for multiple users, select the users based on the action you want to take. For example, select the users whose permissions you want to revoke on the selected path.

      Click either Allow access or Revoke access to grant or to decline the permissions to the selected group of users.

To decline or delegate entitlement review requests

  1. Click the down-pointing arrow for the path filter. From the drop-down list select the paths using the check-boxes.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • Click Decline to reject the request to review permissions on the selected path.

    • Click Delegate to delegate the entitlement review task to another user.

After you submit the review request from the portal, the details are sent to the Data Insight Management Server. The Data Insight administrator can view the paths for which custodians have suggested changes to the permissions, and can perform the relevant changes. Alternatively, Data Insight can automatically trigger a permission remediation action to distribute the actions to the proper authorities such as, directory server administrators.

To automatically initiate a permission remediation action, you must first configure the permission remediation settings. For more information, refer to Veritas Data Insight Administrator's Guide.

More Information

Logging in to the Self-Service Portal