Application objects

Use the APIs in this category to add application instances, its sub-components such as the middle tier servers, databases, and the support files such as the configuration file, database file.


An application instance comprises of the application server or the application main process. Reporting the application instances is mandatory so as to view the applications in the Unmanaged tab on the Resiliency Platform web console and to perform operations on them.

Use this interface to create an application instance object which is used to add application instance specific properties like application instance name, version, home directory. To do this use the set_property API. Defining the application state property, that is State, is mandatory to perform any further operations on the application using the Resiliency Platform console.

Is mandatory: Yes

Input parameter: String: The name of the application instance.

Return value: 0 and the application instance object, else any positive number.


my $appInstObj = $appObj->add_application_inst ("test_inst");

An application unit comprises of the application sub-components such as the middle tier servers, databases, etc which support the application instance function. Reporting these components is optional. They are not displayed on the Resiliency Platform console and hence you cannot perform any operations on them using the console. But if you want to perform the start application or stop application operation at the component level, you need to define these components.

Use this interface to create an application unit object which is used to add application unit specific data like application database name.

Is mandatory: No

Input parameter: String: The name of the application unit.

Return value: 0 and the application unit object, else any positive number.


my $appUnit1Obj = $appInstObj->add_application_unit("master_db");
my $appUnit2Obj = $appInstObj->add_application_unit("temp_db");

An application file comprises of application support files such as the configuration file, database file etc. Reporting the application files is mandatory to be able to perform disaster recovery operations using the Resiliency Platform console.

Use this interface to create an application file object which is used to add application file specific data like application file name, size, path.

Defining the application property, Type, is mandatory if you want to configure the application for disaster recovery using the Resiliency Platform console

Is mandatory: Yes

Input parameter: String: The name of the application file or file path.

Return value: 0 and the application file object, else any positive number.


my $appFileObj = $appInstObj->add_application_file("master.txt");
my $appFileObj = $appInstObj->add_application_file("temp.txt");