Testing a script using CLI

Use the following steps to test the application module script on the managed host using the CLI.

Testing a script using CLI

  1. Copy the application module script to any location on the managed host.
  2. Open command prompt on Windows or shell in case of Linux.
  3. Create an argument file and copy the following content in it .

    For probe and deep discovery:


    For start and stop operation:

  4. Change the value of the JSON tags "OP_TYPE" and "OP" as per the implementation of the application module script.

    OP_TYPE supported values are "OPERATION" or "DISCOVERY".

    OP value could be the operation that you have registered and implemented, such as probe, start, etc.

  5. Invoke the script with argument - aes_args and the argument file that you have created.

    For example: sample_app.pl - aes_args <args_file_path>

  6. Check the log and the command output on STDOUT.

    Command output varies as per the operation you have mentioned in "OP" in the args file.

    The location of the log file is as below:

    • Windows: c:\ProgramData\Symantec\VRTSsfmh\APP\log\APP_TYPE.log

    • Linux: /var/opt/VRTSsfmh/APP/log/APP_TYPE.log