CDS disk groups

A CDS disk group allows cross-platform data sharing of VxVM objects, so that data written on one of the supported platforms may be accessed on any other supported platform. A CDS disk group is composed only of CDS disks (VM disks with the disk format cdsdisk), and is only available for disk group version 110 and greater.


The CDS conversion utility, vxcdsconvert, is provided to convert non-CDS VM disk formats to CDS disks, and disk groups with a version number less than 110 to disk groups that support CDS disks.

All VxVM objects in a CDS disk group are aligned and sized so that any system can access the object using its own representation of an I/O block. The CDS disk group uses a platform-independent alignment value to support system block sizes of up to 8K.

CDS disk groups can be used in the following ways:

You cannot include the following disks or volumes in a CDS disk group:


On Solaris and Linux systems, the process of disk encapsulation places the slices or partitions on a disk (which may contain data or file systems) under VxVM control. On AIX and HP-UX systems, LVM volumes may similarly be converted to VxVM volumes.

More Information

Converting non-CDS disks to CDS disks

Disk group alignment