Defaults files

The following system defaults files in the /etc/default directory are used to specify the alignment of VxVM objects, the initialization or encapsulation of VM disks, the conversion of LVM disks, and the conversion of disk groups and their disks to the CDS-compatible format


Specifies default values for the following parameters to the vxcdsconvert command that have an effect on the alignment of VxVM objects: dgalign_checking, diskalign, and nodiskalign.

See the vxassist(1M) manual page.


Specifies default values for the following parameters to the vxcdsconvert command: evac_disk_list, evac_subdisks_ok, min_split_size, move_subdisks_ok, privlen, and split_subdisks_ok.

The following is a sample vxcdsconvert defaults file:


An alternate defaults file can be specified by using the -d option with the vxcdsconvert command.

See the vxcdsconvert(1M) manual page.


Specifies default values for the cds, default_activation_mode and enable_activation parameters to the vxdg command. The default_activation_mode and enable_activation parameters are only used with shared disk groups in a cluster.

The following is a sample vxdg defaults file:


See the vxdg(1M) manual page.


Specifies default values for the format and privlen parameters to the vxdisk and vxdisksetup commands. These commands are used when disks are initialized by VxVM for the first time.They are also called implicitly by the vxdiskadm command and the Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VEA) GUI.

The following is a sample vxdisk defaults file:


See the vxdisk(1M) manual page.

See the vxdisksetup(1M) manual page.


Specifies default values for the format, privlen, privoffset and puboffset parameters to the vxencap and vxlvmencap commands. These commands are used when disks with existing partitions or slices are encapsulated, or when LVM disks are converted to VM disks. It is also called implicitly by the vxdiskadm, vxconvert (on AIX) and vxvmconvert (on HP-UX) commands, and by the VEA.

The following is a sample vxencap defaults file:


See the vxencap(1M) manual page.

See the vxconvert(1M) manual page.

See the vxvmconvert(1M) manual page.

In the defaults files, a line that is empty, or that begins with a "#" character in the first column, is treated as a comment, and is ignored.

Apart from comment lines, all other lines must define attributes and their values using the format attribute=value. Each line starts in the first column, and is terminated by the value. No white space is allowed around the = sign.

More Information

Object alignment during volume creation