
Required attributes

Required attribute



Name of the disk group that is configured with Veritas Volume Manager. 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 

Example: "diskgroup1" 


Optional attributes

Optional attributes



If the value is 1, and SCSI-3 fencing is uses, the agent monitors the SCSI reservation on the disk group. If the reservation is missing, the Monitor agent function takes the resource offline. 

Type and dimension: boolean-scalar 

Default: 0 



Determines whether to panic the node if the disk group becomes disabled. A loss of storage connectivity can cause the disk group to become disabled. 

If the value of this attribute is 1 and the disk group becomes disabled, the node panics. 

If PanicSystemOnDGLoss is set to 1, and the Monitor agent function (entry point) hangs a consecutive number of times per the value of the FaultOnMonitorTimeouts attribute, then the node panics. 

Note   System administrators may want to set a high value for FaultOnMonitorTimeout to increase system tolerance.

If the value of the attribute is 0 and the disk group becomes disabled, the following occurs: 

  • If the cluster has I/O fencing enabled, the DiskGroup resource is marked faulted. This state results in the agent attempting to take the service group offline.

    As part of bringing the DiskGroup resource offline, the agent attempts to deport the disabled disk group. Even if disabled disk group fails to deport, the DiskGroup resource enters a faulted state. This state enables the failover of the service group that contains the resource. To fail back the DiskGroup resource, manually deport the disk group after restoring storage connectivity.

  • If the cluster does not use I/O fencing, a message is logged and the resource is reported online. The resource is reported online so that it does not fail over, which ensures data integrity.

    Note   The PanicSystemOnDGLoss attribute does not depend on the MonitorReservation attribute.

Type and dimension: boolean-scalar 

Default: 0 



If value is 1, the DiskGroup online function starts all volumes belonging to that disk group after importing the group. 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 

Default: 1 



If value is 1, the DiskGroup offline function stops all volumes belonging to that disk group before it deports the group. 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 

Default: 1 



This attribute enables the DiskGroup resource to forcefully go offline even if open volumes are mounted outside of VCS control. When the value of this attribute is 1 and the disk group has open volumes, the following occurs: 

  • The agent attempts to unmount the file systems on open volumes. If required, the agent attempts to kill all VCS managed and un-managed applications using the file systems on those open volumes.
  • The agent attempts to forcefully unmount the file systems to close the volumes.

Type and dimension: boolean-scalar 

Default: 0 



Do not use. For internal use only.