Displaying information about the memory tunable parameters for all the hosts in the RDS

The vrstat -M command displays detailed information about the memory tunable parameters. This command can be executed from the Primary and the Secondary. The output of the vrstat -M command is similar to the output displayed by the vxmemstat command.

If you specify the local_rvgname name with the vrstat -M command, it displays the information about the memory tunables for all the hosts in that RDS. Otherwise, the command displays information about the memory tunable parameters for all the hosts in all the RDSs.

To view information about the memory tunable parameters:

# vrstat -M [local_rvgname]

The argument local_rvgname is the name of the RVG on the local host and is optional. The local RVG name represents its RDS.

The output of this command resembles:

 Mon Oct 27 15:57:15 2003
  Replicated Data Set hr_rvg:
  Memory-pool Statistics:
  Host        Pool       DG     Min      Max      In      Allocated      Max     Waiting
                               Size     Size      Use                   Used                  
  ------    ----------    ---- ------   ------    -----   ----------    -----    -------
  seattle    Voliomem      -     1024     12443       0      1024           0       no
  seattle    NMCOM-hr_rvg dg1    1024      4096       0      1024           0       no
  seattle    RViomem       -     1024     12443       0      1024           0       no
  seattle    WRSHIP        -     1024      4096       0      1024           0       no
  seattle    Readback      -     1024      4096       0      1024           0       no
  london     Voliomem      -     1024     12441       0      1024           0       no
  london     NMCOM-hr_rvg dg1    1024      4096       0      1024           0       no
  london     RViomem       -     1024     12441       0      1024           0       no
  london     WRSHIP        -     1024      4096       0      1024           0       no
  london     Readback      -     1024      4096       0      1024           0       no

The output of the vrstat command includes the following details: