Commands related to extent attributes

The VxFS commands for manipulating extent attributes are setext and getext; they allow the user to set up files with a given set of extent attributes or view any attributes that are already associated with a file.

See the setext(1) and getext(1M) manual pages.

The VxFS-specific commands vxdump and vxrestore preserve extent attributes when backing up, restoring, moving, or copying files.

Most of these commands include a command line option (-e) for maintaining extent attributes on files. This option specifies dealing with a VxFS file that has extent attribute information including reserved space, a fixed extent size, and extent alignment. The extent attribute information may be lost if the destination file system does not support extent attributes, has a different block size than the source file system, or lacks free extents appropriate to satisfy the extent attribute requirements.

The -e option takes any of the following keywords as an argument:


Issues a warning message if extent attribute information cannot be maintained (the default)


Fails the copy if extent attribute information cannot be maintained


Ignores extent attribute information entirely