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MPP configuration: DB2 UDB ESE
multi-partition instance

The following configuration file reflects DB2 UDB in an ESE multi-partition instance MPP environment. Four database partitions are shown. One partition is configured on each cluster node. Each database service group depends on the CVM service group, which manages the shared storage in the cluster.

include ""

include ""

include ""

include "/etc/VRTSagents/ha/conf/Db2udb/"

cluster db2_mpp (

CounterInterval = 5


system vcstc1 (


system vcstc2 (


system vcstc3 (


system vcstc4 (


group cvm (

SystemList = { vcstc1 = 0, vcstc2 = 1, vcstc3 = 2, vcstc4 = 3 }

AutoFailOver = 0

Parallel = 1

AutoStartList = { vcstc1, vcstc2, vcstc3, vcstc4 }


CFSMount db2cfsmnt (

MountPoint = "/db2_mnt/db2inst1"

BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/cdb2dg1/cdb2dg1home"


CFSfsckd vxfsckd (


CVMCluster cvm_clus (

CVMClustName = db2_mpp

CVMNodeId = { vcstc1 = 0, vcstc2 = 1, vcstc3 = 2, vcstc4 = 3 }

CVMTransport = gab

CVMTimeout = 200


CVMVolDg db2dg (

CVMDiskGroup = cdb2dg1

CVMVolume = { cdb2dg1home }

CVMActivation = sw


CVMVxconfigd cvm_vxconfigd (

Critical = 0

CVMVxconfigdArgs = { syslog }


cvm_clus requires cvm_vxconfigd

db2cfsmnt requires db2dg

db2cfsmnt requires vxfsckd

db2dg requires cvm_clus

vxfsckd requires cvm_clus

// resource dependency tree


//          group cvm

//          {

//          CFSMount db2cfsmnt

//                {

//                CVMVolDg db2dg

//                      {

//                      CVMCluster cvm_clus

//                            {

//                            CVMVxconfigd cvm_vxconfigd

//                            }

//                      }

//                CFSfsckd vxfsckd

//                      {

//                      CVMCluster cvm_clus

//                            {

//                            CVMVxconfigd cvm_vxconfigd

//                            }

//                      }

//                }

//          }

group db2mpp_grp0 (

SystemList = { vcstc1 = 0, vcstc2 = 1, vcstc3 = 2, vcstc4 = 3 }

AutoStartList = { vcstc1 }

AutoStart = 1


Db2udb db2udb0 (

DB2InstOwner = db2inst1

DB2InstHome = "/db2_mnt/db2inst1"

IndepthMonitor = 1

DatabaseName = SAMPLE

NodeNumber = 0


IP Db2_IP0 (

Device = eth0

Address = ""

NetMask = ""


NIC Db2_NIC0 (

Device = eth0


requires group cvm online local firm

Db2_IP0 requires Db2_NIC0

db2udb0 requires Db2_IP0

// resource dependency tree


//          group db2mpp_grp0

//          {

//          Db2udb db2udb0

//                {

//                IP Db2_IP0

//                      {

//                      NIC Db2_NIC0

//                      }

//                }

//          }

group db2mpp_grp1 (

SystemList = { vcstc1 = 0, vcstc2 = 1, vcstc3 = 2, vcstc4 = 3 }

AutoStartList = { vcstc2 }

AutoStart = 1


Db2udb db2udb1 (

DB2InstOwner = db2inst1

DB2InstHome = "/db2_mnt/db2inst1"

IndepthMonitor = 1

DatabaseName = TEST1

NodeNumber = 1


IP Db2_IP1 (

Device = eth0

Address = ""

NetMask = ""


NIC Db2_NIC1 (

Device = eth0


requires group cvm online local firm

Db2_IP1 requires Db2_NIC1

db2udb1 requires Db2_IP1

// resource dependency tree


//          group db2mpp_grp1

//          {

//          Db2udb db2udb1

//                {

//                IP Db2_IP1

//                      {

//                      NIC Db2_NIC1

//                      }

//                }

//          }

group db2mpp_grp2 (

SystemList = { vcstc1 = 0, vcstc2 = 1, vcstc3 = 2, vcstc4 = 3 }

AutoStartList = { vcstc3 }

AutoStart = 1


Db2udb db2udb2 (

DB2InstOwner = db2inst1

DB2InstHome = "/db2_mnt/db2inst1"

IndepthMonitor = 1

DatabaseName = TEST2

NodeNumber = 2


IP Db2_IP2 (

Device = eth0

Address = ""

NetMask = ""


NIC Db2_NIC2 (

Device = eth0


requires group cvm online local firm

Db2_IP2 requires Db2_NIC2

db2udb2 requires Db2_IP2

// resource dependency tree


//          group db2mpp_grp2

//          {

//          Db2udb db2udb2

//                {

//                IP Db2_IP2

//                      {

//                      NIC Db2_NIC2

//                      }

//                }

//          }

group db2mpp_grp3 (

SystemList = { vcstc1 = 0, vcstc2 = 1, vcstc3 = 2, vcstc4 = 3 }

AutoStartList = { vcstc4 }

AutoStart = 1


Db2udb db2udb3 (

DB2InstOwner = db2inst1

DB2InstHome = "/db2_mnt/db2inst1"

NodeNumber = 3


IP Db2_IP3 (

Device = eth0

Address = ""

NetMask = ""


NIC Db2_NIC3 (

Device = eth0


requires group cvm online local firm

Db2_IP3 requires Db2_NIC3

db2udb3 requires Db2_IP3

// resource dependency tree


//          group db2mpp_grp3

//          {

//          Db2udb db2udb3

//                {

//                IP Db2_IP3

//                      {

//                      NIC Db2_NIC3

//                      }

//                }

//          }