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Db2udb resource type attributes

The DB2 resource has several required and optional attributes.

Optional attributes for the agent for DB2

Optional attributes



Name of the database for in-depth monitoring; optional if in-depth monitor is disabled (IndepthMonitor = 0). 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 


Node number or partition number of the database. Used when monitoring a specific database partition in ESE multi-partition instance environment. Default value is 0 for ESE single-partition instance and multi-partition instance configurations. 

Type and dimension: integer-scalar 


Provides start up options. The allowed values are: START, ACTIVATEDB, or CUSTOM. 

  • START (default)
    Starts the DB2 instance or partition.
    Performs activate database command after db2 processes start.
    The agent leaves all the online operation completely to the user when the StartUpOpt attribute is set to CUSTOM. It looks for a file named start_custom_$db2instance_$nodenum in the
    /opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Db2udb directory. If this file exists and is executable, it executes this customized online file instead.

    Example: To customize the online operation for partition/nodenum 1 for the db2 instance named db2inst1, the agent for DB2 runs this customized file start_custom_db2inst1_1 under the
    /opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Db2udb directory.

Type and dimension: string-scalar 


The allowed values for this attribute are STOP and CUSTOM. 

  • STOP
    Shuts the Db2 instance or partition down in the usual way.
    Leaves all the offline operation completely to the user when the ShutDownOpt is set to CUSTOM. It looks for a file named stop_custom_$db2instance_$nodenum under the
    /opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Db2udb directory. If this file exists and is executable, it executes this customized offline file instead.

    Example: If you want to customize the offline operation for partition/nodenum 0 for the db2 instance named db2inst1, then the agent for DB2 runs this customized file stop_custom_db2inst1_0 under the
    /opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Db2udb directory.

Type and dimension: string-scalar 


Set the value of the IndepthMonitor attribute to 1 to enable in-depth monitoring. Before this release, IndepthMonitor performed a default SQL query to the database. In 5.0, this default query no longer exists. The agent now looks for the custom_monitor_$db2instance_$nodenum file in the
/opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Db2udb directory. 

It executes this customized indepth monitor file if the file exists and is executable. You can find samples of custom monitor scripts in the sample_db2udb directory. 

Type and dimension: string-integer 


Specifies operating system encoding corresponding to DB2 UDB encoding for display of DB2 UDB output. For example, if the environment variable LANG is set to "ja," then "eucJP" is the Solaris value for Encoding. Refer to DB2 UDB and Solaris documentation for respective encoding values. The default is "". 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 


When set to 1, causes the agent to log additional debug messages. 

Type and dimension: boolean-scalar 


This attribute either logs SQL errors, or checks the errors for special handling. 

Set the value of the WarnOnlyIfDBQueryFailed attribute to 1 to enable it. When enabled, it ignores all SQL errors and logs a warning message in the agent log once a day.  

Set the value of the WarnOnlyIfDBQueryFailed attribute to 0 to disable it. When disabled, it checks if an error code has special handling in the db2error.dat file. If the error code does not exist in the db2error.dat file, then it returns offline for monitor. Otherwise, it follows the action of that particular error code in the db2error.dat file. 

Type and dimension: boolean-scalar 



Name of the Solaris zone (Solaris 10 only) 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 


Internal attributes for the agent for DB2

Required attributes



Specifies the location of other files and scripts related to the agent. 

Do not use. For internal use only. 

DB2 UDB type definition file:

type Db2udb (

static str ContainerType = Zone

static str AgentDirectory = "/opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Db2udb"

static str AgentFile = "/opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Db2udb/Db2udbAgent"

static keylist SupportedActions = { VRTS_GetInstanceName, VRTS_GetRunningServices }

static int CleanTimeout = 240

static int MonitorTimeout = 240

static int OfflineTimeout = 240

static int OnlineRetryLimit = 2

static int OnlineTimeout = 180

static int OnlineWaitLimit = 1

static int RestartLimit = 3

static int ToleranceLimit = 1

static str ArgList[] = { DB2InstOwner, DB2InstHome, IndepthMonitor, DatabaseName, NodeNumber, StartUpOpt, ShutDownOpt, AgentDebug, Encoding, WarnOnlyIfDBQueryFailed, LastWarningDay, ContainerName }

str DB2InstOwner

str DB2InstHome

int IndepthMonitor

str DatabaseName

int NodeNumber

str StartUpOpt = START

str ShutDownOpt = STOP

boolean AgentDebug = 0

str Encoding

boolean WarnOnlyIfDBQueryFailed = 1

temp str LastWarningDay

str ContainerName
