Sample configurations

Configuration for AIX

The options for the Share agent must be specific. In this configuration, root access is only given to the system minnehaha. By default, systems do not have root access to the exported directory /mnt1. Refer to the exportfs manual page for more information.

type Share (

str PathName

str Options

static str ArgList[] = { PathName, Options }


Configuration 1 for Linux

Share ShareMnt (

PathName = "/mnt"

Client = vcslinux2

Options = rw


Configuration 2 for Linux

In this example, a disk group and the volumes defined on it form the resource dg_dg1. Mount volumes defined on dg_dg1 at /extdisk1 and /extdisk2 and share them with clients for NFS mounting. This configuration ensures that the mounting process occurs prior to exporting, and that the NFS and IP resources are online prior to sharing the directories.

system sysA

system sysB

group groupA (

SystemList = { sysA = 0, sysB = 1 }

AutoStartList = { sysA }


DiskGroup dg_dg1 (

DiskGroup = dg1

StartVolumes = 1

StopVolumes = 1


IP ip_172_29_9_100 (

Device = eth0

Address = ""


Mount mount_extdisk1 (

MountPoint = "/extdisk1"

BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/dg1/vol1"

FSType = vxfs


Mount mount_extdisk2 (

MountPoint = "/extdisk2"

BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/dg1/vol2"

FSType = vxfs


NFS nfs_groupA (

Nproc = 16


NIC nic_groupA_eth0 (

Device = eth0


Share share_extdisk1 (

PathName = "/extdisk1"

Client = ""

Options = "rw,no_root_squash"


Share share_extdisk2 (

PathName = "/extdisk2"

Client = ""

Options = "rw,no_root_squash"


ip_172_29_9_100 requires nic_groupA_eth0

ip_172_29_9_100 requires share_extdisk1

ip_172_29_9_100 requires share_extdisk2

mount_extdisk1 requires dg_dg1

mount_extdisk2 requires dg_dg1

share_extdisk1 requires mount_extdisk1

share_extdisk1 requires nfs_groupA

share_extdisk2 requires mount_extdisk2

share_extdisk2 requires nfs_groupA

// resource dependency tree


// group groupA

// {

// IP ip_172_29_9_100

// {

// NIC nic_groupA_eth0

// Share share_extdisk1

// {

// Mount mount_extdisk1

// {

// DiskGroup dg_dg1

// }

// NFS nfs_groupA

// }

// Share share_extdisk2

// {

// Mount mount_extdisk2

// {

// DiskGroup dg_dg1

// }

// NFS nfs_groupA

// }

// }

// }

Configuration for Solaris
Configuration for HP-UX and Solaris

Share nfsshare1x (

PathName = "/share1x"
