
Attributes contain data about the cluster, systems, service groups, resources, resource types, and the agent. An attribute has a definition and a value. You change attribute values to configure VCSVAD resources. Attributes are either optional or required, although sometimes attributes that are optional in one configuration might be required in other configurations. Many optional attributes have predefined or default values, which you should change as required.

A variety of internal use only attributes also exist. Do not modify these attributes—modifying them can lead to significant problems for your clusters.

Attributes have type and dimension. Some attribute values can accept numbers, others can accept alphanumeric values or groups of alphanumeric values, while others are simple boolean on/off values.

Attribute data types

Data Type



Enclose strings, which are a sequence of characters, in double quotes ("). This is the default type.  

Enclose strings, which are a sequence of characters, in double quotes ("). Optionally enclose strings in quotes when they begin with a letter, and contains only letters, numbers, dashes (-), and underscores (_). 

A string can contain double quotes, but the quotes must be immediately preceded by a backslash. In a string, represent a backslash with two forward slashes (\\). 



Signed integer constants are a sequence of digits from 0 to 9. You can precede them with a dash. They are base 10. Integers cannot exceed the value of a 32-bit signed integer: 21471183247. 



A boolean is an integer with the possible values of 0 (false) and 1 (true). 


Attribute dimensions




A scalar is a single element value. It can be a string or an integer data type. 

Example: string value 

<attribute name="ConfigFile" type="str" dimension="scalar">


Example: integer value 

<attribute name="PortNum" type="int" dimension="scalar">


A scalar has only one value. This is the default dimension. 



A vector is an ordered list of values. Each value is indexed using a positive integer beginning with zero. A set of brackets ([]) denotes that the dimension is a vector. Find the specified brackets after the attribute name on the attribute definition in the file. 

Example: string vector 

<attribute name="MyStrVector" type="str" dimension="vector">









A keylist is an unordered list of unique strings in that list. 


<attribute name="MyKeyList" type="str" dimension="keylist">


<val key="val1"></val>

<val key="val2"></val>





An association is an unordered list of name-value pairs. An equal sign separates each pair. A set of braces ({}) denotes that an attribute is an association. Braces are specified after the attribute name on the attribute definition in the file, for example: str SnmpConsoles{}. 

Example: string association 

<attribute name="MyStrAssoc" type="str" dimension="assoc">


<val key="myStrAssocKey1">"one"</val>

<val key="myStrAssocKey2">"two"</val>

