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Removing a Storage Checkpoint

You can delete a Storage Checkpoint by specifying the remove keyword of the fsckptadm command. Specifically, you can use either the synchronous or asynchronous method of removing a Storage Checkpoint; the asynchronous method is the default method. The synchronous method entirely removes the Storage Checkpoint and returns all of the blocks to the file system before completing the fsckptadm operation. The asynchronous method simply marks the Storage Checkpoint for removal and causes fsckptadm to return immediately. At a later time, an independent kernel thread completes the removal operation and releases the space used by the Storage Checkpoint.

In this example, /mnt0 is a mounted VxFS file system with a Version 4 disk layout. This example shows the asynchronous removal of the Storage Checkpoint named thu_8pm and synchronous removal of the Storage Checkpoint named thu_7pm. This example also lists all the Storage Checkpoints remaining on the /mnt0 file system after the specified Storage Checkpoint is removed:

# fsckptadm remove thu_8pm /mnt0
# fsckptadm list /mnt0


ctime = Thu 3 Mar 2005 7:00:17 PM PST
mtime = Thu 3 Mar 2005 7:00:17 PM PST
flags = nodata, largefiles

# fsckptadm -s remove thu_7pm /mnt0

# fsckptadm list /mnt0
