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Storage Foundation Cluster File System commands

The mount and fsclustadm commands are also important for configuring cluster file systems.


The mount command with the -o cluster option lets you access shared file systems.

See the mount_vxfs(1M) manual page.


The fsclustadm command reports various attributes of a cluster file system. Using fsclustadm you can show and set the primary node in a cluster, translate node IDs to host names and vice versa, list all nodes that currently have a cluster mount of the specified file system mount point, and determine whether a mount is a local or cluster mount. The fsclustadm command operates from any node in a cluster on which the file system is mounted, and can control the location of the primary for a specified mount point.

See the fsclustadm(1M) manual page.


The fsadm command can be invoked from the primary or secondary node.

See the fsadm(1M) manual page.

Running commands safely in a cluster environment

Any UNIX command that can write to a raw device must be used carefully in a shared environment to prevent data from being corrupted. For shared VxVM volumes, SFCFS provides protection by reserving the volumes in a cluster to prevent VxFS commands, such as fsck and mkfs, from inadvertently damaging a mounted file system from another node in a cluster. However, commands such as dd execute without any reservation, and can damage a file system mounted from another node. Before running this kind of command on a file system, be sure the file system is not mounted on a cluster. You can run the mount command to see if a file system is a shared or local mount.