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Sending an IBC message

You can use the vxibc send command to send an IBC message from the Primary to a Secondary.

To send an IBC message:

# vxibc [-g diskgroup] [-N | -F freeze_timeout] \

[-f filename | -m message] send application_name rvg_name \

Note that the application_name for the Primary RVG must be previously registered.

The IBC message is inserted into the update stream of the specified RLINKs. If an RLINK is not specified, the message is sent to all RLINKs currently attached to the Primary RVG.

IBC messages are always sent to the Secondary RVG irrespective of whether or not the application_name is registered on the Secondary.

If the application is registered on the Secondary, then the IBC message is discarded on the Secondary if a receive operation is not performed within the deliver-timeout period.

In the case the application is not registered at the Secondary, then the IBC message is held for ten minutes before being discarded. If the application_name is registered within this time, then the IBC message is discarded if a receive operation is not performed within the deliver-timeout period. On the Secondary, the RVG remains frozen until an unfreeze operation is performed or the specified freeze_timeout expires.