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Errors during modification of an RVG

After the initial setup and attach of a Secondary RLINK, incorrect modifications such as adding, resizing, and renaming volumes can cause configuration errors, if they result in a mismatch between the volumes on the Primary and on the Secondary. If an RVG has an associated volume set, modifications to the volume set can also cause configuration errors. These include incorrectly adding, removing, or renaming component volumes of the associated volume set; adding component volumes with different indices on the Primary and Secondary; or renaming the associated volume set.

When a modification of an RVG causes a configuration error, the affected RLINK is paused with the secondary_config_err flag set. This prevents replication to the Secondary until the problem is corrected.

Run the vxrlink verify rlink command at either node to check whether this has occurred. When the configuration error has been corrected, the affected RLINK can be resumed.

Missing data volume error

If a data volume is added to the Primary RVG and the Secondary has no corresponding data volume, the RLINK state changes to paused with the secondary_config_err flag set. Executing the vxrlink verify command produces the following:

On the Primary:

# vxrlink -g hrdg verify rlk_london_hr_rvg


rlk_london_hr_rvg   london          seattle     ERROR     PAUSE

ERROR: hr_dv04 does not exist on secondary (london)

On the Secondary:

# vxrlink -g hrdg verify rlk_seattle_hr_rvg


rlk_seattle_hr_rvg seattle london ERROR PAUSE

ERROR: hr_dv04 does not exist on secondary (local host)

To correct the problem, either create and associate hr_dv04 on the Secondary or alternatively, dissociate vol04 from the Primary, and then resume the Secondary RLINK. To resume the Secondary RLINK, use the vradmin resumerep rvg_name command.

If hr_dv04 on the Primary contains valid data, copy its contents to hr_dv04 on the Secondary before associating the volume to the Secondary RVG.

Data volume mismatch error

If a Primary data volume is increased in size, but the Secondary data volume is not, a configuration error results.

On the Primary:

# vxassist growby hr_dv04 100

# vxrlink -g hrdg verify rlk_london_hr_rvg


rlk_london_hr_rvg london seattle ERROR PAUSE

ERROR: hr_dv04 too small (12800). Primary is 12900

On the Secondary:

# vxrlink -g hrdg verify rlk_seattle_hr_rvg


rlk_seattle_hr_rvg seattle london ERROR PAUSE

ERROR: hr_dv04 too small (12800). Primary is 12900

To correct the problem, increase the size of the Secondary data volume, or shrink the Primary data volume:

# vradmin -g hrdg resizevol hr_rvg hr_dv04 12900

After resizing a data volume, resume the Secondary RLINK by issuing the following command on any host in the RDS:

# vradmin -g hrdg resumerep hr_rvg

Data volume name mismatch error

If a volume is renamed on the Primary but not on the Secondary, a configuration error results and the RLINK will be disconnected. Use the vxprint -lP command to view the RLINK flags. If the secondary_config_err flag is set, use one of the following commands to determine if there is a data volume name mismatch error.

On the Primary:

# vxrlink -g hrdg verify rlk_london_hr_rvg


rlk_london_hr_rvg london seattle ERROR PAUSE

ERROR: hr_dv04 on secondary has wrong primary_datavol name (hr_dv04, should be hr_dv05)

On the Secondary:

# vxrlink -g hrdg verify rlk_seattle_hr_rvg


rlk_seattle_hr_rvg seattle london ERROR PAUSE

ERROR: hr_dv04 on secondary has wrong primary_datavol name (hr_dv04, should be hr_dv05)

To fix this error, do one of the following:

Volume set configuration errors

If a volume set is associated to the RDS, the name of the volume set on the Secondary must have the same name as the volume set on the Primary in order for replication to occur. In addition, the volume set on the Secondary must have the same component volumes, with the same names, lengths and indices as on the Primary.

If a component volume is resized on the Primary but not on the Secondary, a data volume mismatch error results. Resize the volume and resume replication. See Data volume mismatch error.

The configuration of the Secondary is checked for configuration errors, when an RLINK is attached for the first time. If any errors are found, the vradmin startrep command fails and prints error messages indicating the problem. Correct the configuration error, and then retry the command.

Configuration errors may also occur when you modify a volume set or its component volumes. Run the vxrlink verify rlink command at either node to check whether this has occurred. Correct the configuration error, and then resume the RLINK.

Volume set name mismatch error

If the volume set name differs on the Primary and the Secondary, the following error displays:

VSet name vset_name of secondary datavol vol_name does not match VSet name vset_name of primary datavol vol_name

To correct the problem, rename the volume set on either the Primary or the Secondary, using the following command:

# vxedit -g diskgroup rename vset_name new_vset_name

Volume index mismatch error

If the indices for the component volumes on the Primary volume set and the Secondary volume set are different, the following error displays:

VSet index (index_name) of secondary datavol vol_name does not match VSet index (index_name) of primary datavol vol_name

To correct the problem, perform the following steps on the Secondary:

  1. Dissociate each volume from the volume set using the following command:

    # vxvset -g diskgroup rmvol vset_name compvol_name

    When you remove the last volume, the volume set is also removed.

  2. Create the volume set using the following command:

    # vxvset -g diskgroup -o index make vset_name \

    compvol_name index

  3. Associate each of the remaining volumes to the volume set, specifying the index of the corresponding volumes on the Primary using the following command:

    # vxvset -g diskgroup -o index addvol vset_name \
    compvol_name index

Component volume mismatch error

If a data volume is removed from the volume set on the Primary RVG only or added to the volume set on the Secondary RVG only, the following error displays:

Secondary datavol vol_name is associated to VSet vol_name whereas primary datavol is not associated to any Vset

Similarly, if a data volume is removed from the volume set on the Secondary RVG only or added to the volume set on the Primary RVG only, the following error displays:

Primary datavol vol_name is associated to VSet whereas secondary datavol vol_name is not associated to any Vset

To correct the problem, add or remove data volumes from either the Secondary or the Primary volume sets. The volume sets on the Primary and the Secondary should have the same component volumes.