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Assigning a placement policy

A VxFS file placement policy document contains rules by which VxFS creates, relocates, and deletes files, but the placement policy does not refer to specific file systems or volumes. Create a file system's active file placement policy by assigning a placement policy document to the file system via the CLI or graphical interface.

At most one file placement policy can be assigned to a VxFS file system at any time. A file system may have no file placement policy assigned to it, in which case VxFS allocates space for new files according to its own internal algorithms.

In systems with Command Central Foundation (CCF) software installed, file placement policy information is stored in the CCF database. The CCF database contains both XML policy documents and lists of hosts and file systems for which each document is the current active policy. When a policy document is updated, CCF can assign the updated document to all file systems whose current active policies are based on that document. By default, CCF does not update file system active policies that have been created or modified locally, that is by the hosts that control the placement policies' file systems. If a CCF administrator forces assignment of a placement policy to a file system, the file system's active placement policy is overwritten and any local changes that had been made to the placement policy are lost.

The following example assigns the file placement policy represented in the XML policy document /tmp/policy1.xml for the file system at mount point /vset1 using the fsppadm command.

 To assign a placement policy

# fsppadm assign /vset1 /tmp/policy1.xml