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Ease of use

The API reduces the need to write additional code to parse FCL entries. Most of the on-disk FCL records are of a fixed size and contain only the default information such as the inode number or time stamp. However, some records can be of variable sizes (for example, a file remove or rename record). These records contain additional information such as the name of the file removed or renamed.

To ensure that the first few bytes at the start of any file system block is always a valid FCL record (if the file name crosses a block boundary), the file system block may be split across multiple on-disk records. Previously, you were required to write additional code to assemble these records to get the file name. The VxFS 5.0 API provides a mechanism to directly read a single assembled logical record. This makes it easier for applications using the API. The API also lets the application specify a filter to indicate a subset of the events of interest and return only required records.