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Resources and service groups for File System cluster functionality

Managing cluster mounts through VCS requires various resources types, resources, and service groups.

The following VCS resource types required for Veritas Volume Manager cluster functionality (or CVM) are:

CVMCluster controls the overall operation of CVM. The agents of CVMCluster bring up the CVM cluster. Only one CVMCluster resource is required in a VCS environment. It is advisable to use the standard configuration procedure for CVM to add the CVMCluster resource. The procedure creates a service group named cvm and adds the resources to the configuration.

See Storage Foundation Cluster File System administrative interface.

The following VCS resource types required for SFCFS functionality are:

CFSfsckd is a mandatory resource type for SFCFS functionality. CFSfsckd agents start the cluster file system check (fsck command) daemon, vxfsckd, which must be running for a cluster mount to succeed. As with CVMCluster, only one resource instance is required for CFSfsckd. You add these resources using the SFCFS configuration process, which adds the resources to the cvm service group.

See The cfscluster command.

Each CVMVolDg resource controls one shared disk group, and one or more shared volumes of that disk group. CVMVolDg resources enable the disk group and set the disk group activation mode. Each CFSMount resource controls the cluster mount of a shared volume on a specified mount point. CFSMount resources also keep track of mount options associated with the mount points.

These resource instances are not added automatically during the SFCFS configuration; you must add them as required using the SFCFS cluster administration commands.

  Note   That the CFSMount and CVMVolDg resources are not added to the cvm service group; those should be added to a different service group.

See The cfsmntadm command.