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Upgrading language packages

Language packages are upgraded using the install_lp script. If you are upgrading a language version you must do so after upgrading all product packages. Verify that the original installation is correct before proceeding.

 To upgrade language packages

  1. Verify that VEA is not running. To display VEA status, type:

    # /opt/VRTS/bin/vxsvcctrl status

If VEA is running, type the following command to stop it:

# /opt/VRTS/bin/vxsvcctrl stop

  1. Insert the language disc and launch the install_lp script. If you are using volume management software the disc is automatically mounted as /mnt/cdrom.

    # cd /mnt/cdrom

    # ./install_lp

  2. Insert the language disc and launch the install_lp script. If you are using volume management software the disc is automatically mounted as /cdrom.

    # cd cdrom

    # ./install_lp

  3. Restart VEA:

    # /opt/VRTS/bin/vxsvcctrl start