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Enabling in-depth monitoring from the command line

You can dynamically configure in-depth monitoring. Symantec recommends that you successfully run DB2 UDB with the agent's default (shallow) monitoring before you start the in-depth monitoring. In the MPP configuration, make sure the database can be accessible locally by the database partition.

For locales other than English, you need to add the following lines to the $INSTHOME/sqllib/userprofile file. The following example adds Japanese language support:


export LANG

 To start the in-depth monitor for a given instance

  1. Make the VCS configuration writable:

    # haconf -makerw

  2. Freeze the service group so VCS does not perform actions automatically based on an incomplete reconfiguration:

    # hagrp -freeze db2udb_grp1

  3. Enable in-depth monitoring using the command:

    hares -modify resource DatabaseName name

    hares -modify resource IndepthMonitor 1

    For example:

    # hares -modify db2udb DatabaseName SAMPLE

    # hares -modify db2udb IndepthMonitor 1

    # haconf -dump -makero

    # hagrp -unfreeze db2udb_grp1

      Note   You need to have custom monitoring scripts.
    See IndepthMonitor.