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Determining if a disk is shareable

The vxdisk utility manages VxVM disks. To use the vxdisk utility to determine whether a disk is part of a cluster-shareable disk group, use the following command:

# vxdisk list accessname

where accessname is the disk access name (or device name). A portion of the output from this command (for the device c4t1d0) is shown here:

Device: c4t1d0

devicetag: c4t1d0

type: auto

clusterid: cvm2

disk: name=shdg01 id=963616090.1034.cvm2

timeout: 30

group: name=shdg id=963616065.1032.cvm2

flags: online ready autoconfig shared imported


Note that the clusterid field is set to cvm2 (the name of the cluster), and the flags field includes an entry for shared. When a node is not joined to the cluster, the flags field contains the autoimport flag instead of imported.