About creating a Quick I/O file using qiomkfile

The best way to make regular files accessible to the Quick I/O interface and preallocate space for them is to use the qiomkfile command. Unlike the VxFS setext command, which requires superuser privileges, any user who has read/write permissions can run qiomkfile to create the files. The qiomkfile command has five options:


Creates a symbolic link with an absolute path name for a specified file. The default is to create a symbolic link with a relative path name.


For Oracle database files to allow tablespace resizing. Extends the file size by the specified amount.


For Oracle database files. Creates a file with additional space allocated for the Oracle header.


For Oracle database files to allow tablespace resizing.)Increases the file to the specified size.


Preallocates space for a file.

You can specify file size in terms of bytes (the default), or in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or sectors (512 bytes) by adding a k, K, m, M, g, G, s, or S suffix. If the size of the file including the header is not a multiple of the file system block size, it is rounded to a multiple of the file system block size before preallocation.

The qiomkfile command creates two files: a regular file with preallocated, contiguous space; and a symbolic link pointing to the Quick I/O name extension.