Finding container information for DB2 UDB

Currently, DB2 UDB does not offer an interface to link a database page in a table or index to a particular container's offset. However, the vxstorage_stats command or the Veritas Storage Foundation for DB2 Graphical User Interface can be used to display the I/O topology. No special setup is needed to view the topology.

To locate a table in a tablespace

  1. Connect to the database PROD as the instance owner.

    $db2 connect to PROD
    Database Connection Information
  2. Enter the following query to display all the tablespaces in the table TABLE01. In this example, TBSPACE is the primary tablespace for all the table data, INDEX_TBSPACE contains the index (if any), and LONG_TBSPACE is the tablespace to store LONG column.

    $db2 "select tbspace, index_tbspace, long_tbspace from \
    syscat.tables where tabname='TABLE01'"
    ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
    USER1              -                  -
    1 record(s) selected.
  3. After locating the tablespace name, enter the following command to find the container path name:

    $db2 list tablespaces 
    Tablespace ID 				= 3
    Name 				         = USER1
    Type 				         = Database managed space
    Contents 			     	= Any data
    State 			        	= 0x0000
    Detailed explanation:

    The output indicates the Tablespace ID is 3 and the container path name is USER1:

    $db2 list tablespace containers for 3
    Tablespace Containers for Tablespace 3
    Container ID = 0
    Name = /data/system01.dbf
    Type = Disk

    Tablespace USER1 contains only one container:
