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vxlogview - Displays logs generated by the logging component.


vxlogview [options] [-l Locale] [-d DisplayOption[,DisplayOption]] vxlogview [-w queryString] [-l Locale] [-d DisplayOption[,DisplayOption]] vxlogview [-a] [-l Locale] [-d DisplayOption[,DisplayOption]] vxlogview -v vxlogview -h


The vxlogview utility allows you to view the logs generated by Unified Logging. Search criteria can be specified with command-line arguments to view only specific logs.

Note: The date format displayed may vary slightly between UNIX and Windows systems.


Specify the logs you want to view using the following options.

-A, --audit
Display audit messages.
-a, --all
Display all log messages from log files generated by multiple Symantec products.
-b, --stdate StartDate
Display messages logged at the given start date and time. The StartDate format is set from the current locale at run-time and is locale-specific. It is surrounded by single quotes in Unix and double quotes in Windows:

For example: --stdate '1/1/2006 12:00:00 AM'

If the --stdate option is not specified, messages will be displayed from the beginning of the log file to the given end time (see the -e option).

-C, --crit
Display application log messages having a severity of critical.
-D, --debug
Display debug log messages.
-d, --display DisplayOption
Display specified message fields. If multiple DisplayOptions are specified, each must be separated by a comma. DisplayOption may be one or more of the following:

D - Display date

T - Display time

m - Display message type

p - Display process ID

t - Display thread ID. Note that this is case-sensitive.

P - Display product ID

O - Display originator ID

c - Display context token

s - Display application log entry severity

u - Display application or diagnostic Unique Message ID

x - Display actual log message text

w - Display who logged the diagnostic or debug message

i - Display short name for a product

o - Display short name for an originator

all - Display all fields of the log record

-E, --err
Display application log messages having a severity of error.
-e, --endate EndDate
Display messages logged up to a given end day and time. The format of EndDate is set from the current locale at run-time and is locale-specific. It is surrounded by single quotes in Unix and double quotes in Windows: For example: --endate '1/1/2006 12:00:00 PM' If the --endate option is not specified, messages are displayed from the given start day and time (see the -b option) to the end of the log.
-F, --info
Display application log messages having a severity of info.
-G,--logdir Directory
Display logs from a given directory instead of a configured log directory.
-h, --help
List and describe the command-line options available for this command.
-I, --diag
Display diagnostic log messages.
-i --fileid FileID
Display messages logged by a given file ID.
-L, --app
Display application log messages.
-l, --locale Locale
Display messages in the locale given by LocaleName. The messages are displayed in the current system locale if this option is not given. If the messages can't be displayed in the desired locale, the messages are displayed in English.
-M, --emerg
Display application log messages having a severity of emergency.
-m,--who Entity
Display messages logged by the given entity. Entity can be a method name or a function name.
-N, --level Level
Display debug and diagnostic messages for the given Level (0-6). Can use with -D to display only debug messages for the Level, or with -I to display only diagnostic messages.
-n, --days NumberOfDays
Display the messages logged for last NumberOfDays days.
-o, --orgid OriginatorID
Display messages logged by the given Originator ID or use the short name for the originator.
-P, --pid ProcessID
Display messages logged by a given process ID.
-p, --prodid ProductID
Display messages logged by the given ProductID or use the short name of the product.
-R,--resdir Directory
Use resources from a specified directory instead of a configured L10n Resource Directory.
-r, --result Result
Display audit messages having the specified Result. Result should be either 0 or 1.
-S, --tailloop
Continuously display new messages that are logged under a given ProductID and FileID pair. It will start by displaying the last 10 messages, or all messages if there are less than 10, to the console and will continue to display any new messages. Use Ctrl-C to stop the loop.
-s, --subject Subject
Display audit messages having the specified Subject.
-T, --tid ThreadID
Display messages logged by a given thread ID. Note that the ThreadID is case-sensitive and when used with the Display argument, should be uppercase.
-t, --tail hh:mm:ss
Display messages for the last hh:mm:ss time period.
-v, --version
Display the version information for this command.
-W, --warning
Display application log messages having a severity of warning.
-w, --where QueryString
Specify a WHERE clause to use when querying the log messages such that a subset of messages can be displayed.See the QUERY STRINGS section below for more information.
-X, --ctx ContextToken
Display messages belonging to the given context instance. Context instances are identified by context tokens. If the context token is specified as "all," it displays all of the context names and associated tokens.
-z, --timezone TimeZone
Display messages with time adjusted as per the given timezone


The following exit values are returned:

0 Successful completion.

-1 An error occurred.


A query string is a text expression, similar to a database WHERE clause, that is used to retrieve log entries from the Unified Logging System. The expression is a combination of relational operators, constant integers, constant strings, and names of log fields that evaluate to a single value. Logical operators, such as AND and OR, are used to group expressions.

Supported relation operators include:

< Less than

> Greater than

<= Less than and equal to

>= Greater than and equal to

= Equal to

!= Not equal to

Supported logical operators include && (logical AND) and || (logical OR).

Predefined log fields can be in all uppercase or lowercase (for example: PID | pid) and include:

CTXTOK Context token (string)

ENDATE Locale-specific end date (long integer or string)

FILEID File ID (integer)

LEVEL Debug and diagnostic level. Default is to display all (integer 0-6)

MSGTYPE The following message types are supported:

DEBUG | debug

DIAG | diag

APP | app

AUDIT | audit

ORGID Originator identifier (integer or string)

PID Process Identifier (integer)

PREVTIME Previous time (string [hh:mm:ss])

PRODID Product identifier (integer or string)

RETURNVAL The Audit message outcome field. (0 or 1)

SEV Severity level. The following severity types are supported:

INFO | info

WARNING | warning

ERR | err

CRIT | crit

EMERG | emerg

STDATE Locale-specific start date (long integer or string)

SUBJECT Audit message subject field (string)

TID Thread ID (integer)

WHO Who logged the message (string)


The following examples are valid for UNIX, which uses single quotes to enclose option arguments. For Windows, use double-quotes.

Display the log messages for all the products installed.

vxlogview --all

Display the log messages for product SMF. Only the date, time, message type, and message text are displayed.

vxlogview --prodid SMF --display D,T,m,x

Display the log messages for product SMF that were logged between the dates 1/18/04 and 1/21/04.

vxlogview --where "(prodid = SMF) && (stdate >= '1/18/04 0:0:0 AM' && endate <= '1/21/04 10:12:00 AM'))"

Display log messages that were created on or after the date and time 1/03/03, 11:00:00 AM.

vxlogview --stdate '1/03/03 11:00:00 AM'

Display the log messages that were logged within the last hour.

vxlogview --tail 1:00:00

Display the audit log messages that have a result of 0.

vxlogview --audit -r 0

Display the context log messages for the job_context instance.

vxlogview --ctx 'job_context'


The vxlogcfg and vxlogmgr commands.

Last updated: 10 Mar 2006
Copyright ©2009 Symantec Corporation
All rights reserved.