Using vxtunefs to obtain tuning information

Check the setting of the qio_cache_enable flag for each file system using the vxtunefs command.

To obtain information on only the qio_cache_enable flag setting

To obtain information on all vxtunefs system parameters

For example:

    # /opt/VRTS/bin/vxtunefs /db01

The vxtunefs command displays output similar to the following:

    Filesystem i/o parameters for /db01
    read_pref_io = 65536
    read_nstream = 1
    read_unit_io = 65536
 write_pref_io = 65536
    write_nstream = 1
    write_unit_io = 65536
    pref_strength = 10
    buf_breakup_size = 1048576
    discovered_direct_iosz = 262144
    max_direct_iosz = 1048576
    default_indir_size = 8192
    qio_cache_enable = 1
    write_throttle = 0
    max_diskq = 1048576
    initial_extent_size = 8
    max_seqio_extent_size = 2048
    max_buf_data_size = 8192
    hsm_write_prealloc = 0
    read_ahead = 1
    inode_aging_size = 0
    inode_aging_count = 0
    fcl_maxalloc = 130150400
    fcl_keeptime = 0
    fcl_winterval = 3600

The vxtunefs(1) manual pages contain a complete description of vxtunefs parameters and the tuning instructions.

See the vxtunefs(1) manual page.