Finding container information for DB2 UDB

Currently, DB2 UDB does not offer an interface to link a database page in a table or index to a particular container's offset. However, the vxstorage_stats command or the Veritas Storage Foundation for DB2 Graphical User Interface can be used to display the I/O topology. No special setup is needed to view the topology.

To locate a table in a tablespace

  1. Connect to the database PROD as the instance owner.

    $db2 connect to PROD
    Database Connection Information
    Database server        = DB2/SUN64 7.2.5
    SQL authorization ID   = INST1
    Local database alias   = PROD
  2. Enter the following query to display all the tablespaces in the table TABLE01. In this example, TBSPACE is the primary tablespace for all the table data, INDEX_TBSPACE contains the index (if any), and LONG_TBSPACE is the tablespace to store LONG column.

    $db2 "select tbspace, index_tbspace, long_tbspace from \
    syscat.tables where tabname='TABLE01'"
    ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
    USER1              -                  -
    1 record(s) selected.
  3. After locating the tablespace name, enter the following command to find the container path name:

    $db2 list tablespaces 
    Tablespace ID               = 3
    Name                         = USER1
    Type                         = Database managed space
    Contents                    = Any data
    State                       = 0x0000
    Detailed explanation:

    The output indicates the Tablespace ID is 3 and the container path name is USER1:

    $db2 list tablespace containers for 3
    Tablespace Containers for Tablespace 3
    Container ID = 0
    Name = /data/system01.dbf
    Type = Disk

    Tablespace USER1 contains only one container:
