About the action entry point

Runs a prespecified action on a resource. Use the entry point to run non-periodic actions like suspending a database or resuming the suspended database.

Each action is identified by an action_token. The action_token is a name for an action. The list of supported actions (described by the action_tokens) for a resource type is described in the SupportedActions keylist. You must list the action in the SupportedActions attribute.

See SupportedActions.

For an agent, all action entry points must be either C++ or script-based; you cannot use both C++ and scripts.

Make sure the action scripts reside within an action directory under the agent directory. Create a script for each action. Use the correct action_token as the script name.

For example, a script called suspend defines the actions to be performed when the action_token "suspend" is invoked via the hares -action command.

For C++ entry points, actions are implemented via a switch statement that defines a case for each possible action_token.

See Syntax for C++ action.

The following shows the syntax for the -action option used with the hares command:

hares -action res_name action_token [-actionargs arg1 arg2 ... ]

[-sys sys_name] [-user user@domain] [-domain domaintype]

The following example commands show the invocation of the action entry point using the example action tokens, DBSuspend and DBResume:

hares -action DBResource DBSuspend -actionargs dbsuspend -sys Sys1


hares -action DBResource DBResume -actionsargs dbstart -sys Sys1

See also RegList.

Return values for action entry point

The action entry point exits with a 0 if it is successful, or 1 if not successful. The command hares -action exits with 0 if the action entry point exits with a 0 and 1 if the action entry point is not successful.

The agent framework limits the output of the script-based action entry point to 2048 bytes. Output refers to information that the script prints to stdout or stderr. When users run the hares -action command, the command prints this output. The output is also stored in the HAD log file.