Sample configurations

Interface configuration for AIX and Solaris

Set the EPROM variable to assign unique MAC addresses to all ethernet interfaces on the host:

# eeprom local-mac-address?=true

Reboot the system after setting the eprom variable to complete the address setup. The base IP addresses must be configured on the interfaces before the MultiNICB agent controls the interfaces. You can configure these addresses at system start up using /etc/hostname.XXX initialization files. Refer to the following examples for more information.

Setting up test IP addresses for Base Mode on Solaris

These examples demonstrate setting up test IP addresses for your clustered systems. These IP addresses allow the agent determine if the NIC works. The agent determines that the NIC works if it receives responses for the ping packets that it sends to other nodes on the network. You do not need to perform the following steps for the floating IP addresses. The agent performs these steps.

In the file /etc/hostname.qfe0, add the following two lines:

north-qfe0 netmask + broadcast + deprecated -failover up \

addif north netmask + broadcast + up

Where north-qfe0 is the test IP address that the agent uses to determine the state of the qfe0 network card.

In the file /etc/hostname.qfe4, add the following line:

north-qfe4 netmask + broadcast + deprecated -failover up

Where north-qfe4 is the test IP address that the agent uses to determine the state of the qfe4 network card.

In the example, north-qfe0 and north-qfe4 are the host names that correspond to test IP addresses. north is the host name that corresponds to the test IP address.

IPMultiNICB and MultiNICB configuration for AIX


<resource name="mnb_res1" type="MultiNICB">

<attribute name="Device" context = "sysA">

<val key="en1"></val>

<val key="en2"></val>


<attribute name="Device" context = "sysB">

<val key="en1"></val>

<val key="en2"></val>


<attribute name="Gateway"><scalar></scalar> </attribute>


<resource name="ipmb_res1" type="IPMultiNICB">

<attribute name="Address"><scalar></scalar> </attribute>

<attribute name="MultiNICBResName"><scalar>


<attribute name="NetMask"><scalar> </scalar></attribute>


<link parent="ipmb_res1" child="mnb_res1"/>


group grp1 (

SystemList = { sysa, sysb }

AutoStartList = { sysa }


MultiNICB MNICB_grp1 (

Device@sysa = { en0 = "", en1 = "" }

Device@sysb = { en0 = "", en1 = "" }

NetworkHosts = ""

LinkTestRatio = 1


IPMultiNICB ip1 (

Address = ""

Netmask = ""

MultiNICBResName = MNICB_grp1


ip1 requires MNICB_grp1

group grp2 (

SystemList = { sysa, sysb }

AutoStartList = { sysa }


IPMultiNICB ip2 (

Address = ""

Netmask = ""

MultiNICBResName = MNICB_grp1


Proxy MNICB_proxy (

TargetResName = MNICB_grp1


ip2 requires MNICB_proxy

IPMultiNICB and MultiNICB configuration for HP-UX

The following is an example IPMultiNICB and MultiNIC_Unix configuration for HPUX.


<resource name="mnicb" type="MultiNICB">

<attribute name="Device">

<val key="lan1">"0"</val>

<val key="lan0">"1"</val>


<attribute name="NetworkHosts">




<resource name="ipmnicb" type="IPMultiNICB">

<attribute name="Address"><scalar>""</scalar> </attribute>

<attribute name="BaseResName"><scalar>"mygrp1.mnicb" </scalar></attribute>

<attribute name="NetMask"><scalar>"" </scalar></attribute>


<link parent="ipmnicb" child="mnicb"/>

<resource name="ipmnicb1" type="IPMultiNICB">

<attribute name="Address"><scalar>""</scalar> </attribute>

<attribute name="BaseResName"><scalar>"mygrp1.mnicb"


<attribute name="NetMask"><scalar>"0xFFFFFF00"</scalar> </attribute>


<link parent="ipmnicb1" child="mnicb"/>


IPMultiNICB and MultiNICB configuration for Solaris


<resource name="mnb_res1" type="MultiNICB">

<attribute name="Device" context = "sysA">

<val key="bge1"></val>

<val key="bge2"></val>


<attribute name="Device" context = "sysB">

<val key="bge1"></val>

<val key="bge2"></val>



<resource name="ipmb_res1" type="IPMultiNICB">

<attribute name="Address"><scalar></scalar> </attribute>

<attribute name="BaseResName"><scalar>VR_Group.mnb_res1 </scalar></attribute>


<link parent="ipmb_res1" child="mnb_res1"/>


cluster clus_north (

UserNames = { admin = "cDRpdxPmHpzS." }

Administrators = { admin }

CounterInterval = 5


system north (


system south (


group g11 (

SystemList = { north = 0, south = 1 }

AutoStartList = { north, south }


IPMultiNICB g11_i1 (

BaseResName = gnic_n

Address = ""

NetMask = ""

DeviceChoice = "1"


Proxy g11_p1 (

TargetResName = gnic_n


g11_i1 requires g11_p1

// A parallel group for the MultiNICB resource

group gnic (

SystemList = { north = 0, south = 1 }

AutoStartList = { north, south }

Parallel = 1


MultiNICB gnic_n (

Device @north = { qfe0, qfe4 }

Device @south = { qfe0, qfe4 }

NetworkHosts = { "" }


Phantom gnic_p (
