Running the info agent function

You can run the info agent function to return database information. In this example, the info agent function retrieves the database information.

To retrieve database information

  1. Make the configuration writable:

    # haconf -makerw
  2. Specify the periodic interval in seconds that the info agent function is invoked. The default value of 0 means info agent function is not invoked.

    # hatype -modify Db2udb InfoInterval 300

    In this command, Db2udb is the name of the DB2 resource type. InfoInterval 300 is the duration (in seconds) after which the info agent function executes the info script. The script gets the processes' information that the agent monitors.

  3. Show the requested ResourceInfo value. The following example output shows the processes that the agent monitors for the DB2 resource.

    Note that ResourceInfo refreshes every 300 seconds (five minutes), since you set the InfoInterval to 300 in the previous step.

    # hares -value db2udb1 ResourceInfo
    State Valid
        PID    TTY  TIME CMD
      413924    -   0:00 db2sysc
    TS Fri Jan 14 18:11:52 2005