resnotoff event trigger


Invoked on the system if a resource in a service group does not go offline even after issuing the offline command to the resource.  

This event trigger is configurable. 

To configure this trigger, you must define the following: 

Resource Name Define resources for which to invoke this trigger by entering their names in the following line in the script: @resources = ("resource1", "resource2"); 

If any of these resources do not go offline, the trigger is invoked with that resource name and system name as arguments to the script. 



- resnotoff  triggertype system  resource 

  • triggertype—represents whether trigger is custom (triggertype=0) or internal (triggertype=1).

    For this trigger, triggertype=0.

  • system—represents the system on which the resource is not going offline.
  • resource—represents the name of the resource.