cpuusage event trigger


The cpuusage event trigger is invoked when the system's CPU usage exceeds the ActionThreshold value of the system's CPUUsageMonitoring attribute for a duration longer than the ActionTimeLimit value. The trigger is not invoked if it was invoked on the system within the last five minutes. 

See When a resource comes online

This event trigger is configurable. 


- cpuusage  triggertype system  cpu_usage 

  • triggertype—represents whether trigger is custom (triggertype=0) or internal (triggertype=1).

    If 0, the trigger is invoked from:


    If 1, the system reboots by invoking the trigger from:


  • system—represents the name of the system.
  • cpu_usage—represents the percentage of CPU utilization on the system.

To enable the trigger

Set following values in the system's CPUUsageMonitoring attribute: 

  • Enabled = 1
  • ActionTimeLimit = Non-zero value representing time in seconds.
  • ActionThreshold = Non-zero value representing CPU percentage utilization.
  • Action = CUSTOM or REBOOT.

    CUSTOM—Invokes trigger from:


    REBOOT—invokes trigger from:


    and the system reboots.

To disable the trigger

Set one of the following values in CPUUsageMonitoring system attribute to 0 for the system: 

  • ActionTimeLimit = 0
  • ActionThreshold = 0