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notifier - configures the reception of messages from VCS, including VCS with the Global Cluster Option configured, and the delivery of those messages to SNMP consoles and SMTP servers.


notifier -s m=snmp_machine[,p=listening_port][,c=community_id][,l=severity]

notifier -t m=smtp_server[,p=listening_port],e=recipient[,l=smtp_severity][,v=vrfyoff][,t=smtptimeout][,r=returnpath][,f=mailfrom]

notifier -n p=notifier_listening_port

notifier -v [p=engine_listening-port][,l=number_of_messages_to_cache_in_VCS]

notifier [-help]




notifier enables the configuration of messages from VCS, including VCS with the Global Cluster Option configured, and the delivery of those messages to SNMP managers and SMTP servers. You can independently enable SNMP and SMTP. Both can be enabled. At least one SNMP manager or one SMTP server must be enabled. With notifier, you can specify notification based on the severity level of the events generating the messages. You can specify the size of the VCS message queue, which is 30 by default. When started from the command line, notifier is a daemon that VCS does not control. The recommended way to start the notifier is through the use of the NotifierMngr agent that is bundled with VCS. By using the agent, you can configure the notifier process to be be part of a highly available service group that can be monitored, brought online, and taken offline. To reconfigure notifier if it has been started from the command line, you must stop the notifier daemon as you would stop any daemon and restart it using new parameters.


-s m=snmp_machine[,p=listening_port][,c=community_id][,l=severity] Specifies SNMP manager's configuration. You can specify more than one manager on the command line; at least one manager must be specified using the -s option.
m= Specifies the snmp_machine_name for the SNMP manager. p= Specifies the snmp_port for the SNMP manager. c= Specifies the community_id for the SNMP manager; "public" is default. l= Specifies the level of snmp_severity of a message for the SNMP manager. You can specify different levels for different SNMP servers. notifier sends only those messages whose severity matches the severity level specified using this option. Possible values are Information, Warning (default), Error, and SevereError.
-t m=smtp_server[,p=listening_port],e=recipient[,l=smtp_severity][,v=vrfyoff][,t=smtptimeout][,r=returnpath][,f=mailfrom]
Specifies SMTP server's configuration. You can specify more than one server on the command line; at least one server must be specified using the -t option. m= Specifies the smtp_server for the SMTP server. p= Specifies the listening_port for the SMTP manager. e= Specifies the recipient's email address to which information is sent. By default, the severity level is Warning. The recipient's address information must be specified before the severity level information is specified or else the information is ignored. l= Specifies the severity level of a message from the SMTP server. You can specify different levels for different SMTP servers. notifier sends only those messages whose severity matches the severity level specified using this option. Possible values are Information, Warning (default), Error, and SevereError. v= Specifies whether or not notifier sends SMTP VRFY request to the specified SMTP mail server when sending emails. The value 1 specifies that request not be sent; set this value to 1 if mail server does not support SMTP VRFY command. Default is 0. t= Specifies the time in seconds that the notifier waits for a response from the mail server for the SMTP commands it has sent to the mail server. This value can be increased if the mail server takes more time to reply to the notifier's SMTP commands. Default is 10. r= Specifies a valid email address if a custom email address is desired for the Return-Path field in the email sent by notifier. f= Specifies a valid email address, if a custom email address is desired for the FROM field in the email sent by notifier.
-n p=notifier_listening_port
Specifies notifier's configuration.
p= Specifies the notifier_listening_port.
Specifies VCS engine's configuration.
p= Specifies the VCS engine_listening_port. l= Specifies the VCS engine's message queue size. By default, the queue size equals 30. The queue size determines the number of message that VCS shall queue for delivery to notifier.


# notifier -s m=north -s m=south,p=2000,l=Error,c=your_company \
-t m=north,e="abc@your_company.com",l=SevereError
In this example, notifier:
Sends all Warning level and higher level SNMP traps to north at the default SNMP port and community value "public." Sends Error and SevereError traps to south at port 2000 and community value "your_company." Sends SevereError level email messages to north as SMTP server at default port to email recipient recipient "abc@your_company.com."


When you enter parameters for an option, you must enter comma-separated arguments without spaces.



Last updated: April 2006
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