Sample configurations

Configuration without network hosts (using default ping mechanism)

NIC groupx_en0 (

Device = en0

PingOptimize = 1


Configuration with network hosts

NIC groupx_en0 (

Device = en0

NetworkHosts = { "", "" }


IPv6 configuration

The following is a basic configuration for IPv6 with IP and NIC resources. In the following sample, nic_value represents the base NIC value for the platform (for example, en0, bge0, eth0, etc.)

group nic_group (

SystemList = { sysA = 0, sysB = 1 }


NIC nic_resource (

Device@sysA = nic_value

Device@sysB = nic_value

PingOptimize = 0

NetworkHosts@sysA = { "2001:db8:c18:2:214:4fff:fe96:11", "2001:db8:c18:2:214:4fff:fe96:1" }

NetworkHosts@sysB = { "2001:db8:c18:2:214:4fff:fe96:1111", "2001:db8:c18:2:214:4fff:fe96:111" }

Protocol = IPV6


Phantom phantom_resource (


group ip_group (

SystemList = { sysA = 0, sysB = 1 }


IP ip_resource (

Device@sysA = nic_value

Device@sysB = nic_value

Address = "2001:db8:c18:2:214:4fff:fe96:102"

PrefixLen = "64"


Proxy proxy_resource (

TargetResName = nic_resource


ip_resource requires proxy