
Required attributes

Required attribute



Broadcast address 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 

Example: "" 



List of interfaces and their base IP addresses. 

Type and dimension: string-association 

Example: { en0 = "", en1 = "" } 



IP address for the default gateway. 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 

Example: "" 



Netmask for the base IP address. 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 



Required to use the IPv6 protocol. 

See PrefixLen 



Required to use the IPv6 protocol. 

See Protocol 


Optional attributes

Optional attribute



Computes the maximum number of tries the agent makes either to: 

  • ping a host (listed in the NetworkHosts attribute) when it fails over to a new NIC, or
  • ping the default broadcast address (depending on the attribute configured) when it fails over to a new NIC.

To prevent spurious failovers, the agent must try to contact a host on the network several times before it marks a NIC as faulted. Increased values result in longer failover times, whether between the NICs or from system to system in the case of faulted NICs. 

Type and dimension: integer-scalar 

Default: 1 



The list of hosts on the network that are pinged to determine if the network connection is alive. Enter the IP address of the host, instead of the host name, to prevent the monitor from timing out. DNS causes the ping to hang. If this attribute is unspecified, the monitor tests the NIC by pinging the broadcast address on the NIC. If more than one network host is listed, the monitor returns online if at least one of the hosts is alive. 

Type and dimension: string-vector 

Example: "", "" 



The ifconfig command options for the base IP address. 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 

Example: "metric 4 mtu 1400" 



Determines whether to ping every monitor cycle. 

A value of 1 means that the agent pings either the network host or the broadcast address every monitor cycle. It pings every cycle to determine the state of the network interface. 

A value of 0 means that the agent uses the device statistics from the netstat output to determine the state of the interface. If no activity exists on the interface, the agent then pings the broadcast address to double-check the state of the network interface. 

Type and dimension: integer-scalar 

Default: 1 



String to add a route when configuring an interface. 

The string contains the destination gateway metric. No routes are added if the value of this string is null. 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 

Example: "" 



For internal use only. 



Specifies the prefix for the IPv6 address represented as the CIDR value. 

When you use the IPv6 protocol, you must configure values for this attribute and the MultiNICA agent's Device and Protocol attributes. 

Type-dimension: integer-scalar 

Range: 1 - 128 

Example: 64 



Specifies the type of IP protocol (IPv4 or IPv6) that you want to use with the agent. 

When you use the IPv6 protocol, you must configure values for this attribute, the Device attribute, and the corresponding IPMultiNICB agent's PrefixLen attribute. 

Type-dimension: string-scalar 

Default: IPv4 

Example: IPv6