Sample configurations

Configuration 1

In the following configuration, vg00 is a LVM volume group. The mount resource mnt requires the lvmvg_vg00 LVMVG resource.

LVMVG lvmvg_vg00 (

VolumeGroup = vg00

Disks = { "hdisk3" }

Options = "u"


Mount mnt (

MountPoint = "/lvm_testmnt"

BlockDevice = "/dev/lv00"

FSType = jfs


mnt requires lvmvg_vg00

Configuration 2

In the following configuration, vol0 is a volume in diskgroup testdg_1 created with VxVM. Mount resource m0 requires the dg1 diskgroup resource.

DiskGroup dg1 (

DiskGroup = testdg_1


Mount m0 (

MountPoint = "/tmp/m0"

BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/testdg_1/vol0"

FSType = vxfs


m0 requires dg1

Configuration 3

In the following configuration, sysA is the remote NFS server and /home/xyz is the remote directory.

Mount mnt3 (

MountPoint = "/tmp/m1"

BlockDevice = "sysA:/home/xyz"

FSType = nfs
