Creating a Quick I/O file using qiomkfile

The following example shows how to create a Quick I/O file using the qiomkfile command.

See the qiomkfile(1) manual page.

To create a Quick I/O file using qiomkfile

  1. Create a 100 MB file named dbfile in /database:

      # qiomkfile -s 100m /database/dbfile

    The first file created is a regular file named /database/.dbfile, which has the real space allocated. The second file is a symbolic link named /database/dbfile. This is a relative link to /database/.dbfile via the Quick I/O interface. That is, to .dbfile::cdev:vxfs:. This allows .dbfile to be accessed by any database or application as a raw character device.

    • If you specify the -a option with qiomkfile, an absolute path name is used, such as the following:

      /database/dbfile points to /database/.dbfile::cdev:vxfs:

    See About absolute and relative path names.

  2. Change the ownership of the /database/.dbfile file to oracle:dba:

      # chown oracle:dba /database/.dbfile
  3. Check the results:

      # ls -al
      -rw-r--r--    1 oracle   dba  104857600 Oct 22 15:03 .dbfile
      lrwxrwxrwx    1 oracle   dba 19 Oct 22 15:03 dbfile -> .dbfile::cdev:vxfs:


      # ls -lL
      crw-r-----  1   oracle  	 dba 			43,0			 Oct 22 15:04      dbfile
      -rw-r--r--  1   oracle  	 dba 			10485760 			Oct 22 15:04  .dbfile
    • If you specified the -a option with qiomkfile, the results are as follows:

      # ls -al
      -rw-r--r--   1 oracle   dba  104857600 Oct 22 15:05  .dbfile
      lrwxrwxrwx   1 oracle   dba 	31 Oct 22 15:05 dbfile ->