Simulating failed fire drills

Use VCS Simulator to demonstrate a failed fire drill. The following simulated clusters have fire drill service groups:

See Setting up a fire drill.

To simulate a failed fire drill

  1. Start Cluster Explorer and click the cluster in which you want to simulate the fire drill.
  2. Select the fire drill service group from the Tree View, then select the Properties Tab in the right pane.
  3. Click Show all attributes. Scroll down to choose the Tag attribute and double-click to edit the attribute value.
  4. If prompted, switch the configuration to the read-write mode.
  5. In the Edit Attribute window, set the value of the Tag attribute to the name of a critical resource in the FireDrill Service Group.

    The Tag attribute values for service groups SQLPROD_fd (in cluster WIN_SQL_VVR_C2) and sample_fd (in cluster Win_Exch_2K3_secondary) should be blank before these modifications.

    For the SQLPROD_fd fire-drill service group, set the attribute value to the name of the SQL Server instance - SQLServer2000-VSQL01_fd.

    You do not need to change the attribute value for the Oracle group; by default, the Tag attribute of the OracleGrp_fd is set to the name of a critical resource.

  6. Try to bring the FireDrill service group up. Right-click the service group in the Cluster Explorer and bring it online on a specified system. The FireDrill service group faults.

    Note   To simulate a successful fire drill, keep the Tag attribute of the fire drill service group blank and bring the Firedrill service group online.