
Required attributes

Required attribute



Specifies the name of the NIC that you want to monitor. 

Use the ip addr command to list all network adapters and the IP addresses assigned to each NIC. 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 

Example: "eth0" or "eth1" 


Optional attributes

Optional attribute



Flag that defines whether the NIC maintains its connection status. 

If this flag is set to 1, the agent uses ethtool and MII hardware registers, instead of the ping and packet count method. The agent uses this method to determine the health of the network card. 

If the flag is set to 0, the agent does not use Mii to monitor the status of the NIC. 

Type and dimension: integer-scalar 

Default: 1 



List of hosts on the network that receive pings to determine the state of the NIC. Specify the IP address of the host—not the host name. 

The specified hosts must be pingable: 

  • from all the AppNodes that are specified in the SystemList attribute for the service group to which the resource belongs
  • through all the devices that are specified in the Device attribute

The command to ping the host (hostip) via a NIC device (nicdev) is: 

# ping -I nicdev hostip 

If more than one network host is listed, the monitor returns online if the ping test is successful with at least one of the hosts.  

You can use both IPv4 and IPv6 NetworkHost addresses, and you can configure both types of addresses in the same resource. 

Type and dimension: string-vector 


  • IPv4:

    { "", "" }

  • IPv6:

    { "2001::1" , "" }



Attribute that defines whether the agent sends a broadcast ping before it retrieves the received packet statistics. This attribute is used when Mii is not set and no network hosts are specified.  

If the value of this attribute is 1, the agent retrieves received packet statistics from the netstat command and compare them with previously stored values. The agent sends a broadcast ping to the network only if the packet count remains unchanged. 

If the value of this attribute is 0, the agent sends a broadcast ping before it checks the network statistics.  

Type and dimension: integer-scalar 

Default: 1