Sample configurations

MultiNICA and IPMultiNIC Performance Mode configuration

In this example, two systems (sysA and sysB) each have a pair of network interfaces (eth0 and eth1, eth0 and eth2). These interfaces have different physical IP addresses and the agent behaves in Performance Mode (PM).

The MultiNICA resource fails over only the logical IP address to the backup NIC in the event of a failure. The resource ip1 has the Address attribute, which contains the logical IP address. In the event of a NIC failure on sysA, the logical IP address fails over from eth0 to eth1. In the event that eth1 fails—the address fails back to eth0—as long as eth0 is reconnected.

However, if both the NICs on sysA are disconnected, the MultiNICA and IPMultiNIC resources work in tandem to fault the group on sysA. The entire group fails over to sysB.

If you have more than one service group using the MultiNICA resource, the second service group can use a Proxy resource. The Proxy resource points to the MultiNICA resource of the first service group. This resource prevents redundant monitoring of the NICs on the same system. The IPMultiNIC resource is always made dependent on the MultiNICA resource.

cluster foo (

UserNames = { admin = "cDRpdxPmHpzS." }

CounterInterval = 5


system sysA (


system sysB (


group grp1 (

SystemList = { sysA = 1, sysB = 2 }


IPMultiNIC ip1 (

Address = ""

MultiNICAResName = mnic

NetMask = ""


MultiNICA mnic (

Device @sysA = { eth0 = "", eth1 = "" }

Device @sysB = { eth0 = "", eth2 =

"" }

NetMask = ""

NetworkHosts = { "", "" }


ip1 requires mnic

ip2 requires mnic

// resource dependency tree


// group grp1

// {

// IPMultiNIC ip1

// {

// MultiNICA mnic

// }

// }

MultiNICA and IPMultiNIC IP Conservation Mode Configuration

In this example, two systems (sysA and sysB) each have a pair of network interfaces (eth0 and eth1, eth0 and eth2). These interfaces have a common physical IP address and the agent behaves in IP Conservation Mode (ICM).

The MultiNICA resource fails over both the physical IP and the logical IP addresses to the backup NIC in the event of a failure. The resource ip1 has the Address attribute, which contains the logical IP address. In the event of a NIC failure on sysA, the IP addresses fail over from eth0 to eth1. In the event that eth1 fails—the addresses fail back to eth0—if eth0 is reconnected.

However, if both the NICs on sysA are disconnected, the MultiNICA and IPMultiNIC resources work in tandem to fault the group on sysA. The entire group fails over to sysB.

If you have more than one group using the MultiNICA resource, the second group can use a Proxy resource. The Proxy resource points to the MultiNICA resource in the first group. This resource prevents redundant monitoring of the NICs on the same system. The IPMultiNIC resource is always made dependent on the MultiNICA resource.

cluster foo (

UserNames = { admin = "cDRpdxPmHpzS." }

CounterInterval = 5


system sysA (


system sysB (


group grp1 (

SystemList = { sysA = 1, sysB = 2 }


IPMultiNIC ip1 (

Address = ""

MultiNICAResName = mnic

NetMask = ""


MultiNICA mnic (

Device @sysA = { eth0 = "", eth1 =

"" }

Device @sysB = { eth0 = "", eth2 =

"" }

NetMask = ""

NetworkHosts = { "", "" }

Failback = 0


ip1 requires mnic

// resource dependency tree


// group grp1

// {

// IPMultiNIC ip1

// {

// MultiNICA mnic

// }

// }

IPv6 configuration

The following sample is for IPv6 use.

group mnica_group (

SystemList = { sysA = 0, sysB = 1 }


IPMultiNIC ipmnic_res (

Address = "2007:192::1627:161"

MultiNICAResName = mnica_res

PrefixLen = 64


MultiNICA mnica_res (

Device @sysA = { eth0 = "fe80::214:4fff:fe96:ae0a",

eth1 = "fe80::214:4fff:fe96:ae0a" }

Device @sysB = { eth0 = "fe80::214:4fff:fe96:ae0b",

eth1 = "fe80::214:4fff:fe96:ae0b" }

PrefixLen = 64


ipmnic_res requires mnica_res

Mixed mode configuration—IPv4 and IPv6

cluster foo (

UserNames = { admin = "cDRpdxPmHpzS." }

CounterInterval = 5


system sysA (


system sysB (


group grp1 (

SystemList = { sysA = 1, sysB = 2 }


IPMultiNIC ip1 (

Address = "2001::110"

MultiNICAResName = mnic



IPMultiNIC ip2 (

Address = ""

MultiNICAResName = mnic



MultiNICA mnic (

Device @sysA = { eth0 = "", eth1 =

"" }

Device @sysB = { eth0 = "", eth2 =

"" }

NetMask = ""

DualDevice @sysA = { eth0 = "2001::10", eth1 = "2001::10" }

DualDevice @sysB = { eth0 = "2001::11", eth2 = "2001::11" }


NetworkHosts = { "2001::1", "" }


ip1 requires mnic

// resource dependency tree


// group grp1

// {

// IPMultiNIC ip1

// {

// MultiNICA mnic

// }

// }