DB2 UDB type definition file: Db2udbTypes.cf on Linux

The following is the type definition for the agent.

type Db2udb (
    static keylist SupportedActions = { VRTS_GetInstanceName, 
    VRTS_GetRunningServices }
    static int CleanTimeout = 240
    static int OfflineTimeout = 240
    static int MonitorTimeout = 240
    static int OnlineRetryLimit = 2
    static int OnlineTimeout = 180
    static int OnlineWaitLimit = 1
    static int RestartLimit = 3
    static int ToleranceLimit = 1
    static str AgentFile = "/opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Db2udb/
    static str AgentDirectory = "/opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Db2udb"
    static str ArgList[] = { DB2InstOwner, DB2InstHome, 
    IndepthMonitor, DatabaseName, NodeNumber, StartUpOpt, 
    ShutDownOpt, AgentDebug, Encoding, WarnOnlyIfDBQueryFailed, 
    LastWarningDay, UseDB2start }
    str DB2InstOwner
    str DB2InstHome
    int IndepthMonitor
    str DatabaseName
    int NodeNumber
    str StartUpOpt = START
    str ShutDownOpt = STOP
    boolean AgentDebug = 0
    str Encoding
    boolean WarnOnlyIfDBQueryFailed = 1
    temp str LastWarningDay
    boolean UseDB2start = 0

type Db2udb (
    static str AgentDirectory = "/opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Db2udb"
    static str AgentFile = "/opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Db2udb/
    static keylist SupportedActions = { VRTS_GetInstanceName, 
    VRTS_GetRunningServices }
    static int CleanTimeout = 240
    static int MonitorTimeout = 240
    static int OfflineTimeout = 240
    static int OnlineRetryLimit = 2
    static int OnlineTimeout = 180
    static int OnlineWaitLimit = 1
    static int RestartLimit = 3
    static int ToleranceLimit = 1
    static str ArgList[] = { DB2InstOwner, DB2InstHome, 
    IndepthMonitor, DatabaseName, NodeNumber, StartUpOpt,
    ShutDownOpt, AgentDebug, Encoding, WarnOnlyIfDBQueryFailed, 
    LastWarningDay }
    str DB2InstOwner
    str DB2InstHome
    int IndepthMonitor
    str DatabaseName
    int NodeNumber
    str StartUpOpt = START
    str ShutDownOpt = STOP
    boolean AgentDebug = 0
    str Encoding
    boolean WarnOnlyIfDBQueryFailed = 1
    temp str LastWarningDay