Extended Copy Service

The Extended Copy Service feature of VxVM works in tandem with the extended copy engines from array vendors. When VxVM detects that the source and destination devices are enabled for extended copy, VxVM automatically off loads copy requests to the array's copy manager.

The benefits of the Extended Copy Service are:

To see whether the Extended Copy Service feature is enabled on a disk, use the vxprint command as shown in the following example. The feature is enabled if an ecopy_enabled entry appears in the flags line.

# vxprint -l tagmastore-usp0_1b6f
Disk group: privatedg5

Disk:     tagmastore-usp0_1b6f
info:     diskid=1246621818.714.swlx59.vxindia.veritas.com
assoc:    device=tagmastore-usp0_1b6f type=auto
flags:    autoconfig
device:   path=/dev/vx/dmp/tagmastore-usp0_1b6fs3
devinfo:  publen=2023168 privlen=65536

If required, you can use the -o noecopy option to turn off Extended Copy Service for each invocation of the vxplex att, cp, mv and snapstart commands, and the vxsd mv command.