Listing objects potentially affected by a move

To display the VxVM objects that would be moved for a specified list of objects, use the following command:

# vxdg [-o expand] listmove sourcedg targetdg object ...

The following example lists the objects that would be affected by moving volume vol1 from disk group mydg to newdg:

# vxdg listmove mydg newdg vol1
mydg01 sda mydg05 sde vol1 vol1-01 vol1-02 mydg01-01 mydg05-01

However, the following command produces an error because only a part of the volume vol1 is configured on the disk mydg01:

# vxdg listmove mydg newdg mydg01
VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-2-4597 vxdg listmove mydg newdg failed
VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-2-3091 mydg05 : Disk not moving, but
subdisks on it are

Specifying the -o expand option, as shown below, ensures that the list of objects to be moved includes the other disks (in this case, mydg05) that are configured in vol1:

# vxdg -o expand listmove mydg newdg mydg01
mydg01 sda mydg05 sde vol1 vol1-01 vol1-02 mydg01-01