About the installation simulator

The product installer includes an option to simulate installing, configuring, or uninstalling the selected Veritas product. The simulation option steps through the installation script, including all of the preinstallation checks on the systems. However, the simulation does not actually install the packages, uninstall previously installed packages, or start or stop any processes.

The simulation process enables you to create a response file, that can be used as a template for installing or configuring a Veritas product. You can also use the simulator to view the installation questions or the configuration questions. The simulation lets you preview the steps for the installation or configuration, without disrupting your existing installation.

Use the installation simulator in the following situations:

To simulate an installation or configuration, specify the -makeresponsefile option to the installer or product installation script at the command line.

To simulate an uninstallation, specify the -makeresponsefile option to the installer or the product uninstall script at the command line.