Performing Live Upgrade in a Solaris zone environment

If you have a zone root that resides on a VxVM volume, then you must use the following procedure to perform a Live Upgrade on the nodes where zones are online.

Use the standard procedure for the other standby nodes.

See Upgrading Storage Foundation and Solaris using Live Upgrade.

To perform a Live Upgrade on a node that has a zone root on a VxVM volume

  1. Unmount all file systems that do not contain local zone root on shared storage.

  2. Shut down any application that runs on local zone. Offline its resources and leave only the zone running.

  3. Freeze the service group that contains the local zone. Note: Make sure that the boot environment disk has enough space for local zone root being copied over during the Live Upgrade.

  4. Follow the instruction to upgrade using Live Upgrade (which includes vxlustart, the product upgrade, and vxlufinish).

    Before rebooting the systems to complete the Live Upgrade, perform the following steps.

  5. On the system that houses the local zone, copy all files and directories before the upgrade on the local zone root on shared storage to another location.

    # zoneadm list -cv
      ID NAME             STATUS     PATH                           BRAND    IP
       0 global           running    /                              native   shared
       6 ora-lzone        running    /oralzones                     native   shared
    # zoneadm -z ora-lzone halt
    # cd /oralzones
    # ls 
    dev		lost+found	root	SUNWattached.xml
    # mv dev dev.41
    # mv root root.41
    # mv SUNWattached.xml SUNWattached.xml.41
  6. Migrate all files and directories after the upgrade on the local zone root on BE to the shared storage using the tar utility:

    # cd /altroot.5.10/oralzones
    # ls
    dev		lost+found	lu	root	SUNWattached.xml
    # tar cf - . | (cd /oralzones; tar xfBp -)
    # cd /oralzones
    # ls 
    dev	.41	lost+found	root.41		SUNWattached.xml.41
    dev		lost+found	lu	root	SUNWattached.xml
  7. Unfreeze the service group that contains the local zone.

  8. Shut down all systems.