About preparing to install Oracle RAC

This chapter provides instructions for completing the pre-installation tasks for Oracle RAC 10g and Oracle RAC 11g installations. The instructions are common to both versions of Oracle RAC, except where stated otherwise.

Use one of the following ways to perform the pre-installation tasks:

SF Oracle RAC installer

The SF Oracle RAC installer provides a menu-driven command line interface to step you through the pre-installation tasks.


Some of the pre-installation steps are not supported by the SF Oracle RAC installer and must be done manually as described in the manual procedures.


You need to perform the pre-installation tasks manually as described in the manual procedures.

Response file

You can pre-configure the systems for Oracle RAC installation using an SF Oracle RAC response file. The SF Oracle RAC response file in tandem with the Oracle RAC response files simplify the process of automating and standardizing Oracle RAC installations.


You can use the response file to automate only those pre-configuration tasks that are supported by the SF Oracle RAC installer.

For instructions, see the chapter "Installing Oracle RAC using a response file" in this document.

The examples in this chapter assume a two-node cluster comprising the nodes galaxy and nebula.

Before installing Oracle RAC, review the Oracle installation manuals and the appropriate Oracle support Web sites.


Some of the pre-installation tasks, wherever indicated in the document, must be done in accordance with the instructions in the Oracle installation manuals. The instructions for these tasks are not provided in this document.

Figure: Oracle RAC pre-installation tasks illustrates the pre-installation tasks that must be performed before installing Oracle RAC.

Figure: Oracle RAC pre-installation tasks

Oracle RAC pre-installation tasks